La Jetee
La Jetee is a french science-fiction short film created in 1962 by Chris Marker. Even though it is a short film I don't think calling it a short film does it justice. This is because the majority of the film is made up of still shots. Even though the film is mostly still shots it still makes a great story with characters with real feelings and a great strong uncomfortable atmosphere throughout the film.

Chris Marker
Chris Marker was a French writer, photographer, documentary film director, multimedia artist and film essayist. La Jetee is Chris's best known work. Chris Marker was a very talented man, not only with film. You can see his other talents through La Jetee. He was very skilled at photography and some of the shots in Le Jetee show this. Through out Le jetee Chris uses most of the formal elements of photography to add to the atmosphere of the film. For example this still shot from La Jetee speaks more meaning than a moving shot. This is because of the way Chris has framed this shot. The main formal element of photography Chris uses throughout La Jetee is tone. The close up shots of characters always have dark tones that cover a large area of their face in darkness. The only characters that do not follow this pattern of dark tones is the female and the children. Chris does this to show that the post-apocalyptic has affected the prisoners under Paris in a negative way. The darkness shows negativity and the light shows positivity. This is all shown by the lighting and angle Chris used in each shot. Such an in-depth part of the characters in La Jetee can be explained without using the narrator.
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