Meshes of the afternoon Meshes of the afternoon is a short film created by Maya Deren in 1943. The short film is one of most early influential films in American Experimental Cinema. Maya Deren was Born in 1917 in Ukraine, she was Trained in dancing and poetry and Studied literature at Columbia university. Maya Deren was a Significant figure in “underground film” due to her high level of skill in experimental films. At the time of making Meshes of the afternoon she was an amateur at film directing. She is knows as the "Mother of underground film".Maya was married to Alexandr Hackenschmied, he was a photographer, film director, editor and cinematographer. He shot Meshes of the afternoon and his wife Maya was the main actress. Meshes of the afternoon was the first film to be released that was directed by a women and had a women as a narrative lead. The film was released during WW2 which was a time of conflict and shifting roles. Women started doing the jobs that men would do...
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